Our students are ambassadors for Our Lady of the Rosary and should wear their correct uniform with pride at all times.

The wearing of a school uniform creates a sense of belonging and provides a visible identity with the wider community as our children can be readily identified as belonging to Our Lady of the Rosary Primary. Our uniform policy outlines what is acceptable in all matters relating to our school uniform and appropriate personal presentation.

Students should be in full school uniform for all excursions and school events or they will not be permitted to attend the event.

As part of our Sun Safe policy, we have a 'No hat - No play' policy. Children without hats are required to sit in the shade under the undercroft.

Jewellery is not part of the school uniform. Therefore, only highly personalised items may be worn, for example, a birth or baptismal ring, and wristwatch. If ears are pierced, studs should be worn. Nail polish, acrylic nails, hair colour or make up is not allowed. Hair that is longer than collar length should be tied back. No unusual haircuts, styles or colouring is allowed.

It is implied that students attend the school with the appropriate grooming for a primary school student.

Any questions or queries regarding our uniform/grooming policy should be directed to the school office.

Uniform purchases

School uniform items can be purchased from Lowes, St Marys.

School bags and hats are available from our school office.

Students in Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School St Marys uniform from Lowes
Contact details

Village Shopping Centre, Shop 18
Charles Hackett Drive, St Marys

You can contact Lowes, St Marys directly on 9623 1416.

Students at desk at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School St Marys
Operating hours

Monday - Wednesday and Friday
9:00 am - 5:30 pm

9:00 am - 7:00 pm

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Ordering online

The OLR Primary uniform range is available online from the Lowes School Uniforms web page.

You can place an order and then collect from the store.


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